Game Rankings!!

On this page I list all the games I have reviewed by ascending order of rating.

One purpose of this is to help me re-assess and re-evaluate whether I have assigned the right rating for a game. But I also pray that this entry will prove helpful to others as a means of comparing the quality of different games.

I try to be as objective as possible - I even rate my favourite games lower than my own personal view if I think that other people won't like it (see Concept, for example, which is one of my favourite games).

The gaps in this list are deliberate as they represent different 'tiers' or 'levels' of games. I re-assess the scores of games quite often, as the need arises!!

Baba Yaga (IELLO Book Series II) - 5.0+/-
IQ Brain Train Game - 5.0+/-
Top Trumps - 5.0+

Friday - 5.99
Banana Matcho - 6.1+
Click Clack Lumberjack (Toc Toc Woodman) - 6.1+
Pick-a-pig - 6.15
Can't Stop - 6.25+

Hey, That's My Fish! - 6.4
Potato Man - 6.4+/-

Animal Upon Animal (Tier auf Tier) - 6.5+
The Three Little Pigs (IELLO Book Series I) - 6.5+/-

6 Nimmt! (Take 6! or Category 5) - 6.6+
Coloretto - 6.65+
Guillotine - 6.7
Keltis - 6.7

Lost Cities - 6.8
Blokus - 6.85+
Blokus 3D - 6.9
Gemblo Deluxe - 6.9
Sultans of Karaya - 6.9+

Desktop Balance Chairs - 7.0+
Dixit - 7.0+
Igloo Pop - 7.0
Oz Fluxx - 7.0
Sticheln - 7.0

King of Tokyo - 7.1
White Elephant Gift Exchange ("Kris Kringle night") - 7.1

Ingenious - 7.2
La Boca - 7.2+
Ultimate Werewolf: Inquisition - 7.2

Hanabi - 7.25
Mr. Jack - 7.25
Pix - 7.25

Niagara - 7.3
Carcassonne - 7.4+
Dominion - 7.4+
GeoPuzzle Series - 7.4+*

Dice Town - 7.5+
Discworld: Ankh-Morpork - 7.5
Forbidden Desert - 7.5
Gauner - 7.5+
Pandemic - 7.5
Ricochet Robots - 7.5

Concept - 7.6+
Letters from Whitechapel - 7.6
Snow Tails - 7.6

Mord Im Arosa - 7.7
Absolute Balderdash - 7.8
Coup - 7.8+
Say Bye to the Villains - 7.8
Bang! The Bullet! - 7.9+/-

Las Vegas - 8.0
The Great Dalmuti - 8.0
Ticket to Ride - 8.0
Wits & Wagers - 8.0

Geistesblitz - 8.1+
Shadows Over Camelot - 8.1
The Downfall of Pompeii - 8.1
Timeline (and Cardline) Series - 8.1+

Say Anything - 8.25
Scattergories - 8.4
Word on the Street - 8.4+

The Settlers of Catan - 8.5
Tichu - 8.65

The Resistance: Avalon - 9.0
Telestrations (12 Player Party Pack) - 9.3

Average Score: 478.74/66 reviews = 7.253, which is an extremely high average. This value suggests that I am either being too generous or I haven't reviewed enough below-average games. If the figure is correct, and in the context of my Ratings System, it also suggests that I think that a lot of games are good, but not great.

*I have not included the GeoPuzzle Series in the average as it isn't really what I would call a game per se - it's a puzzle

More to come...

Andre Lim


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